Tuesday, September 11, 2012

bad memory at night

I have been having trouble lately remembering my dreams.  Do you ever wake up in the morning after a crazy night of dreaming and have trouble remembering what happened in real life or what happened in the dream?  This happens to me very often.  My dreams have been on and off throughout the night, more like 5 smaller dreams than one long, vivid dream.  This is my challenge to myself.  I am going to get a pen and notebook and set it right by my bed while I am sleeping at night.  Right when I wake up out of a dream, I will write as much as I can remember on my notebook.  I also challenge you to do this.  This is the hardest part of keeping up with your dreams or lucid dreaming.  The hardest part is actually getting out of bed while your half asleep and having the energy to write down your dreams.  Once I start doing this, I can post my dreams in detail, and we can try to decode my dreams into real life meanings. Although it may not be true, I am not a dream expert, but it will be a fun way to look at our dreams. Until next time.....prepare to lucid dream......

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