Last night...Last night...
What a crazy night of dreaming?! I can't remember much of anything except one crazy part. It was one of the most intense dreams I have ever had. So the dream starts off on a huge ship like an aircraft carrier that planes can land on. We were packing up a Stealth Bomber, loading a huge flat board with about 20 astronauts strapped to it. Yes, astronauts, meaning small people. Very strange, I know.
After loading up the astronauts(small people wearing suits in this case), a massive explosion happened at the front of the ship. A bunch of planes blew up and a huge fire had started on the main ship. All of the pilots were yelling at me to get on board right away for take-off. I couldn't get in through the door, so I just jumped on the front of the Stealth Bomber. I was literally holding on the nose of the plane by my hands, hoping to make it out of there. The Stealth took off like a rocket in the sky, straight up in the air and all the way to the outer atmospheres. I was holding on so tightly while the plane jolted through clouds and turbulence was at a high. The plane kept rising in altitude until we reached the unknown, outer space. The stars shined bright as I sat on top of the plane's cockpit. At this point, I knew it had to be a dream because no human could possibly breathe in space, let alone hold on to the front of a Stealth for so long. As we continued, obstacles in space began to make the Stealth take sharp turns, move up and down and it became harder and harder to hold on. Right when I let go, I woke up.
I had alot of other weird dreams last night but I just couldn't remember them. I dream the best in the morning, when I have to wake up to pee pee then go back to sleep for an hour or two.
You should always write it down as soon as you wake up.